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>gi|5524211|gb|AAD44166.1| cytochrome b [Elephas maximus maximus] 1 qikdllvsss tdldttlvlv naiyfkgmwk tafnaedtre mpfhvtkqes kpvqmmcmnn 61 sfnvatlpae kmkilelpfa sgdlsmlvll pdevsdleri ektinfeklt ewtn >Sequence1 ;This is a comment. MTEITAAMVKELRESTGAGMMDCKNALSETNGDFDKAVQLLREKGLGKAAKKADRLAAEG LVSVKVSDDFTIAAMRPSYLSYEDLDMTFVENEYKALVAELEKENEERRRLKDPNKPEHK IPQFASRKQLSDAILKEAEEKIKEELKAQGKPEKIWDNIIPGKMNSFIADNSQLDSKLTL MGQFYVMDDKKTVEQVIAEKEKEFGGKIKIVEFICFEVGEGEVAAQL ; Attention: Pasting more than 100 000 lines (or very LONG lines) might result in an unresponsive browser. ; You might only see a blank input but can check your task manager to see that it is still working. ; Example on a low-end machine with firefox, 230 000 lines, 35 000 Proteins: ; - Pasting the fasta to firefox: 5 seconds. ; - "Fasta to Excel": 35 seconds ; - "Excel to Fasta": 5 seconds ; FASTA to Excel: ; - Removes linebreaks ; - Removes indenting (tabs, spaces) ; - Removes > from the ID ; - Removes comment lines ; - Adds Tabstop between ID and sequence for easy copy/paste to Excel ; Excel to Fasta: ; - Removes empty lines ; - Adds > to the ID, if none present ; - Replaces TAB with NEWLINE ; - Breaks sequences after 80 characters
Fasta to Excel
Excel to Fasta
Impressum & Datenschutz
Institute of Plant Genetics
Leibniz Universität Hannover